It’s Time to Upgrade From Office 2003

May 17th, 2013

The tech industry is always moving forward, it seems that a new concept or system is introduced on a near weekly basis. This often comes at the cost of older systems which are left behind when developers stop supporting them. Unfortunately, many businesses still use these older systems or programs and are often left without valuable support.

Upcoming Seminar on our Cloud Connect Solution

May 17th, 2013

Demystifying the Cloud with Cloud Connect - the ideal solution for small to midsize companies.

Join us as we give you an in-depth look at Cloud Connect and all it's features. This seminar will be more than theory...we'll have iPad's, laptops, and more so you can experience Cloud Connect and how it works.

5 Disaster Recovery Tips

May 17th, 2013

When it comes to running a successful business, the last thing an owner or manager wants to think about is a disaster that could cause their business to go bankrupt. While there are many things you can do to minimize the potential fallout from any disaster, the most important is implementing a comprehensive disaster recovery plan that covers more than just data backup.

Confused About Computer Viruses?

May 14th, 2013

Myths have always been a part of human culture, and can be found in nearly every aspect of life, including the computer. One of the larger computer-based myths revolves around malware, more specifically the virus. Many users are familiar with the concept but have a tough time distinguishing between what is true and what isn't. Are you one of them?

Here are four common myths about viruses that confuse people, and the truths associated with them.

How to format numbered lists in Word

May 10th, 2013

Lists are important part of any role in any company. Many lists are now composed in a word processor like Microsoft's Word. But have you ever struggled to create a numbered list in Word? Maybe lists start from one each time you enter a new one, or the numbers continue from previous list.

Four Password Don’ts

May 6th, 2013

Security is an important issue for many business owners and managers. Many work with their IT department or an IT partner to ensure their network and systems are secure from threats. But what about your email, social media and bank accounts? The weakest link of these online accounts is your password, hackers know this and that's what they target.